Friday, October 22, 2021

St. John Paul II Pope


St. John Paul II Pope
Feast Day October 22nd
Video from Real Life Catholic

"Be Not Afraid... I go before you always, come follow me and I will give you rest." 

John Michael Talbot sings "Be Not Afraid" on YouTube

Be blessed... Angels are amongst us!

"Pure spirits, made in God's Image: Pope John Paul II said Angels; Intellect Exceeds Humans. 'The angels are gifted with an intellect and free will, like man, but to a greater degree than him,” John Paul said. “Angels therefore are personal beings and, inasmuch, are also made in the image and likeness of God.'

"He also restated medieval church teaching that breaks angels into nine different "choirs" or classes, including: Seraphim (the highest order), cherubim (the second highest order, said to have kept the gate of paradise after the fall of Adam and Eve), thrones, powers, dominations, virtues, principalities, angels and archangels."

May you have the most beautiful day today... May God Bless you and keep you safe. Praise be to Jesus.  just, Paige St. James

Site Reference: Visit LA Times Article

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