Monday, April 12, 2021

Our Journey Continues... Eastertide

EASTER Greetings... 

As we continue on our 50 Day Journey of this Easter Season which is also known as the Eastertide, please be blessed and full of joy from our Lord... Be assured that the Holy Choir of Angels were with our Lord, and are now with you!  For I have called them to be with each one of you as we walk our Faith Journey together. 

 United States Conference of Catholic Bishops EASTER EXPLAINED

Eastertide - April 4 through May 23, 2021

Last week we prayed "The Divine Mercy Chaplet Novena"
Please note that a  novena is a prayer that we say each day for nine days.  We pray this way because the Apostles waited for nine days before the Holy Spirit came to them, after Jesus Ascended into Heaven. This is called "The Solemnity of Pentecost" and the 50th day of Easter, Eastertide.
"The Paschal Mystery culminates in the Ascension of Jesus. After his appearance here on earth in his risen body, and “after giving instructions through the Holy Spirit to the apostles whom he had chosen” (Acts 1:2), Jesus “was lifted up and a cloud took him from their sight” (Acts 1:9) USCCB
Personal note: 
This is a very important time for all of us Christians to be in prayer, to spend time with family and those close to us.  This is why this post is being posted today on a Monday and not on a Sunday, First or Second Sunday of Easter - Divine Mercy Sunday.  Please visit the websites that are noted above in blue text. Thank you for reading this blog.
Blessings to all, Paige St. James

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