Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Mother Mary and Your Room

In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you.
If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also.
Site Reference: bible gateway

"I humbly venerate you as the chosen Mother of "MY" Savior, Jesus Christ."              

On Dec 5, 2022 I was given this GIFT...
Consider this thought… Mother Mary was CHOSEN to be the Mother of God’s only son! My Savior, Yes….Your Savior, Our Savior.   
During the Novena Prayer today I changed the wording from “My Savior” to “Our Savior” as I was praying... 
 “I immediately thought I am not worthy!" 
Then I heard “STOP! Yes, you are worthy." 
It gives God Glory to call “JESUS MY SAVIOR” 
This is the MESSAGE for us all… 
Yes, You are worthy. 
You are LOVED, You have a SAVIOR that wants you to be with Him… 
REMEMBER He is decorating your 
Heavenly Room JUST FOR YOU!  
As you Decorate for Christmas, for Him in remembrance of of His Birth… make note that He might be decorating your Room the very same way - JOYFULLY, PEACEFULLY and ever so more LOVELY than you can ever imagine.
  Now close your eyes and let’s take a peak at Our Heavenly Room as JESUS is preparing for us to Celebrate ETERNITY WITH HIM. (What does it look like?) Keep this close to your HEART AND NEVER draw weary, for a CELEBRATION will take place!!! Feel His Love, His JOY, His Peace and carry this to others… 
While I Wait... 
Many Blessings, Paige St. James

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