Saturday, April 9, 2022

Passover Lamb

"Jesus Christ, The True Lamb of God"

"The events of the last week of the life of the Savior, Jesus Christ are the most significant in all of history. These eight days, from Palm Sunday to Resurrection Sunday change everything. They give us hope. They show us that sin and death will never prevail. These eight days begin with Jesus coming to the beautiful city of Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover festivals. As we better understand Passover and the spring Jewish Feasts, we can gain powerful insights into Holy Week, the atonement, and the ultimate triumph over all things by Christ, our Passover Lamb."  
Site Reference Redeemer of Israel Website
"Passover is the oldest religious holiday that is still celebrated today. It began over 3500 years ago when the Lord freed ancient Israel from Egyptian bondage. After His deliverance, the Lord commanded the children of Israel to celebrate this feast each year to remind them how He had freed their ancestors from captivity. In obedience to that ancient commandment, Jews still observe this holiday today, and many Jews believe that the promised Messiah will come to free them on Passover, just as the Lord freed their ancestors so long ago"

Site QUOTE Reference: Please visit Daniel Smith at Redeemer of Israel Website

Note of Thanks... Thank you Daniel for sharing your words and video with all of us... Paige St. James


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