Friday, April 1, 2022

April Blessings

A Shower of Blessings

Ezekiel 34:26 says: “And I will make them and the places all around my hill a blessing, 

and I will send down the showers in their season; they shall be showers of blessing…”

April showers bring May flowers... 

May Our Lord Bless you greatly during this month of April... 

For this month we celebrate and we grieve. 

When the storms of life come and the tears of rain fall upon you... know that your God is not far from you. It's not easy... No it isn't... Sometimes we're at odds with others and sometimes we're at odds with ourselves. Sometimes we just don't understand why we are feeling what we feel... 

Do not fear for Our Lord is near... He loves you! You are His. 

I pray now for you to find the Peace that you need during this month of April...

This new life of Spring that falls upon us in the Norther Hemisphere. 

Let the rain fall as a new dew to spur the growth that you need. 

All you have to do is ASK... 

Heavenly Father, through the precious name of, Jesus Christ, I ask for this reader 

to receive a beautiful blessing right now... 

Yes, now... 

Feel it... Claim it... It is there for you!

Don't turn away from this with doubt... This is real

 Nor question of your faith... 




Be at peace my friend... for you are loved!

Let the Rain Fall upon you and may every drop be a blessing for you...

Just, Paige St. James

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