This picture hung over my bed as a child.
October 2nd is the Feast Day of Guardian Angels
Guardian Angel Prayer:
Angel of God, my guardian dear,
To whom God's love commits me here,
Ever this day, be at my side,
To light and guard, rule and guide. Amen.
Guardian Angels... aw yes.
Do you know your Angel?
It is interesting what I've learned...
I was reviewing some notes from an event and read:
"What is the name of my guardian angel... ?"
(Please note that I was just reading and not actually asking for my angels name,
but a name came to me before I could even go to the next sentence in my notes.)
Immediately I heard a name...
What should I do???
I have since learned that the name of our Guardian Angel
is not something we should ask for...
It is not our place to name a spiritual being
nor to ask for their name.
Of course, there was interest to know my angel better,
but it was never the intent to offend My Angel,
nor to my Heavenly Father.
Our Guardian Angels are appointed by
God to be with us our entire life on earth?
Guardian Angels are amazing, yes!
The word "Angel" actually means spiritual being
superior to humans in power and intelligence?
Wow... I thought it meant messenger.
There is so much to learn about our guardian angels!
I posted earlier in this blog about The Choirs of Angels:
There are 9 different groups or rankings of angels-
Angels, Archangels, Principalities, Powers, Virtues, Dominations, Thrones, Cherubim, and Seraphim.
Here's a link... What you should know about Angels
Please Note: This Blog is based on our encounters with our heavenly and earthly angels, our prayers and our God winks as we wait to enter the Kingdom of God.
just your messenger: Paige St. James
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