Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Ash Wednesday 2-22-23


Catholic Online YouTube - Explains Ash Wednesday
"Remember you are dust and dust you shall return..."

You ask... What is Ash Wednesday... ???

Well, it's a very important day in the Christian Faith.

We Christians feel that we are to return to dust...

Is Ash Wednesday Biblical? Yes, very much so! 

Genesis 3:19 
"For dust you are, and to dust you shall return.” The Lent, which we are starting this week with this sacramental and symbolism, touches us on a fundamental level, by taking us back to the beginning and then forward to redemption.Feb 23, 2020

What is Ash Wednesday? 

"Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent. Lent is the forty days (excluding Sundays) leading up to Easter. The number forty is significant as it refers to Jesus’ forty days in the desert prior to beginning his ministry of teaching." "On Ash Wednesday, Christians receive ashes in the shape of a cross on their forehead or sprinkled on top of their head. These ashes are created from the palms used during the previous year’s Palm Sunday Mass." "They symbolize penance, which is appropriate as Lent is a season of penance, and remind us of our own mortality. During the Mass, as the priest applies the ashes, he says “Remember you are dust and to dust you shall return.” 

Site Reference: Daily Inspiration YouTube Channel  and The Guardian Nigeria News

Many blessing to you during this season of Lent, Paige St. James 

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