Thursday, March 25, 2021

What you Should know about "ANGELS"

"What You Should Know About ANGELS" 

In the Conclusion of this book by Charlene Altermose, MSC 

She Writes...

"While our world is riddled with violence, crime, and grief brought on by our brokenness and sinfulness, faith abides in our midst, for there, too, is justice, love, and peace. In this world where evil continues to roam, angels represent all that is noble, holy and pure. As human beings, we yearn for that kind of world in which peace, happiness, and joy may be ours. Angels remind us that it is possible. 

Let us rejoice in the aura of the angelic goodness and innocence that encircles our earth. Let us pattern our lives on angelic traits, and thus enhance human life. Let us escalate our efforts to bring goodness within and around this fragile but divinely favored planet in God's vast universe. For while the interest in angels may be a sign of increased spiritual awareness, it remains obvious that angels are, indeed, with us. If their presence makes a difference, if only to a few, let us welcome them with open arms. 

Angels are not a new phenomenon, but an ageless mystery of faith that has been with us throughout the ages. Let us welcome into our spirituality the angelic world resurrected and revitalized. We praise and thank God for His wisdom in creating these beings of peace and goodness. May we all realize the angels' steady guidance, feel their power, and sense the calm and silent world of the Spirit. May we travel our journey of faith with the awareness of being invisibly companioned by our own angel, who brings comfort and solace to us along life's way."

 To order this book... Please go to

Article inspired from: Ariel M. Lovejoy


We're all about Angels... Holy Angels that is... 

Paige St. James... just a messenger

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