Thursday, March 25, 2021

The Pine Tree Easter Legend...

 Have you heard of this Legend... The Pine Tree and Easter?

Above Picture complementary from Rose Gabriella Caleb

Can you see the tiny cross? 

"This sighting has led to a popular legend/thought that Pine Trees "know" when it's Easter. "If you look at the tops of the pine trees two weeks before Easter, you will see the yellow shoots," the blog A Lighthouse recounts. "As the days get closer to Easter Sunday, the tallest shoot will branch off and form a cross."

Yes, of course we understand that it's Spring and New Life appears all around us in the Northern Hemisphere... But, how wonderful it is to acknowledge that God and His Heavenly Angels are among us all the time as we see little signs in nature of the Cross that Jesus Christ died on to save us from our sins. 

Be blessed and keep your EYES OPEN to see... 

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