"She saw her Guardian Angel frequently, both during mystical visions and in everyday circumstances."
Sister Faustina Kowalska received several visions and messages from Jesus. During these private revelations a great emphasis was placed on the Divine Mercy of God, which eventually led to the institution of “Divine Mercy Sunday.”
Angelic presence
"During these mystical visions, St. Faustina was typically accompanied by a “spirit,” an angelic presence who stayed with her even after the vision was completed."
Poster is From: the Divine Mercy.Org
She wrote in her Diary....
"One day, when I was at adoration, and my spirit seemed to be dying for Him, and I could no longer hold back my tears, I saw a spirit of great beauty who spoke these words to me: “Don’t cry — says the Lord.” After a moment I asked, “Who are you?” He answered me, “I am one of the seven spirits who stand before the throne of God day and night and give Him ceaseless praise.” Yet this spirit did not soothe my yearning, but roused me to even greater longing for God. This spirit is very beautiful, and his beauty comes from close union with God. This spirit does not leave me for a single moment, but accompanies me everywhere."
She also wrote, “Then I saw one of the seven spirits near me, radiant as at other times, under a form of light. I constantly saw him beside me when I was riding on the train. I saw an angel standing on every church we passed, but surrounded by a light which was paler than that of the spirit who was accompanying me on the journey, and each of these spirits who were guarding the churches bowed his head to the spirit who was near me.”
Footnote: https://aleteia.org/2018/10/05/here-is-st-faustinas-description-of-her-guardian-angel/
Picture Reference and more about St. Faustina. https://www.passionistnuns.org/passionist-calendar/2020/10/5/memorial-of-st-faustina
Dearest St. Faustina, Thank you for sharing with us your Diary...
You have taught us so very much... but, for today we say
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