Monday, May 1, 2023

Saint Joseph the Worker

Saint Joseph the Worker
He's just too important not to recognize today!


"Joseph understood the importance of work. He was a carpenter—a builder—and probably taught Jesus his trade. Through his work, Joseph honored the Father in heaven and continued the act of creation." 

"He lived in dignity."

"To give workers a patron, the Church turned to Joseph, who had been made the Patron of the Universal Church by Pope Pius IX in 1870 and the model for fathers of families. Joseph was named protector of workers by Pope Benedict XV, and in 1955, the feast of Saint Joseph the Worker on May 1 was proclaimed by Pius the XII. Let us pray to Saint Joseph for his help in all our work and for those many people who want and need jobs but cannot find them."

Quoted from:

Please visit Loyola Press for more about St. Joseph... 

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