Sunday, March 19, 2023

St Joseph Feast Day

Saint Joseph
Feast Day March 19th



"Saint Joseph was the husband of Mary. He was also the foster father of Jesus Christ. He is said to have been selected by God for this role because he could be trusted to watch over Mary and Jesus."

Can you imagine being given this opportunity or job to care for Christ our Sovereign King? The responsibility was overwhelming I'm sure for this man we call Joseph. The Spouse of Mother Mary...

The Catholic Church has chosen Saint Joseph to be the Father of it's Church... Rightly so... I do wish we had more information about him though. Some scholars have put together details to share with the laity. But, at this moment I do not have those references to share with you... All I know is that Saint Joseph is a wonderful man, husband and father to Mother Mary and Baby Jesus... 

Checkout this website for more information... 


prayerfully Paige St. James

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