Sunday, September 25, 2022

Saint Pope Paul VI ~The Pilgrim Pope


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"Pope Paul VI was elected in 1963 and continued the Second Vatican Council after the death of Pope John XXIII. During his papacy, he wrote several encyclicals, including Humanae Vitae (Of Human Life)Populorum Progressio (On the Development of Peoples), and Mysterium Fidei (The Mystery of Faith, on the Eucharist).

Evangelii Nuntiandi (On Evangelization in the Modern World) is an apostolic exhortation considered to be the “magna carta” on Catholic evangelization and remains relevant and timely. As Julianne Stanz explains in Developing Disciples of Christ:

The exhortation affirms the role of every Christian in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ and is divided into seven sections, with an introduction. Evangelii Nuntiandi defines Catholic evangelization (which is very helpful), the content of evangelization, and the beneficiaries or audiences of evangelization."

Pope John Paul II and Young PeoplePope John Paul II ignited rapport with young people in the early years of his papacy. Learn about John Paul II at Loyola Press.

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Quoted from St. Pope Paul VI 
"The angels are those creatures which are unseen," the pope said.
"They are invisible, for they are purely spiritual beings."
Aug 15, 1986  ~ This Site Ref from: Sun-Sentinel

Feast Day 26 September (2014–2019) 30 May (Ambrosian Rite) 29 May
Beatified October, 29, 2014
Canonized October 14, 2018 by Pope Francis

Heavenly Father... Thank you for Saint Pope Paul VI... 
As we learn more about and from him... Please encourage us to embrace those in need. 

Paige St. James 

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