Sunday, July 24, 2022

St. James the Greater


St. James the Greater

"St. James is called James the Greater, followed Christ before the other apostle named James. Very early in his public life, Jesus called James to follow him. Along with Peter and John, James was one of the favored three to witness the Transfiguration of Jesus, the raising of Jairus’s daughter, and the agony in the garden on Holy Thursday night.

James and John were known as “sons of thunder.” They seem to have had strong tempers.

Ref Matthew 20:20-28 that the mother of James and John once asked Jesus to give her sons a high position in his kingdom. When Jesus asked the two brothers if they could endure the same suffering he was going to endure, they both said yes.

We do not know very much about James’ life. Tradition says he may have traveled to Spain. During the Middle Ages there was a famous shrine to St. James at Compostela in Spain. Luke records in the Acts of the Apostles: “It was about this time that King Herod started persecuting certain members of the Church. He beheaded James, the brother of John” (Acts 12:1-2). James is thought to have been the first apostle martyred.

St. James is a very popular saint in England, where more than four hundred churches are dedicated to him."

Sites Reference: St. James Ref: Loyola press


Did you know: James also was the first apostle to shed his blood for Christ. He was martyred in A.D. 44 (Acts 12:2) in Jerusalem. His martyrdom won him the title by which we distinguish him from the other apostle of the same name: "Saint James the Greater."

Site ref: St James

I can only imagine how the angles sang when he entered heaven...

Many Blessings: Paige St. James

Monday, July 11, 2022

The Cave Kid - St.Benedict


St. Benedict Film Preview... The Cave Kid

"A native of the province of Nursia, the holy abbot that founded the Benedictine Order in the sixth century appears inside his cell, where he witnesses the apparition of a 
globe held by three angels in the presence of the Trinity." 

Yes... there is more than you can do... It's the Holy Spirit that is working within YOU!!! 

Without the Holy Spirit... It would not be possible for me to construct this blog and pull these videos and messages together... Thank You Holy Spirit

A Video about St. Benedict 


 A Powerful Prayer... 

A Prayer we say to ask for St. Benedict to Intercede for us! 
"A powerful prayer to St. Benedict, the patron saint of protection, for immediate protection from evil. Say this prayer for blessings, graces and protection for you and your family. Holy father Benedict of Nursia was responsible for several miracles in his life and continues to intercede on our behalf to the Lord."
Site Ref: Sanctus


St Benedict (480 - 547)
"Benedict was born in Nursia, in Umbria, and studied in Rome; but he was unable to stomach the dissolute life of the city, and he became a solitary hermit at Subiaco. His reputation spread, and some monks asked him to be their abbot; but they did not like the discipline he imposed and tried to poison him. Benedict organised various small communities of monks and nuns in various places, including the great monastery of Monte Cassino. He drew up a set of rules to guide the communal life of monasteries. Although this was not the first monastic rule ever, the Rule of St Benedict has proved so wise and balanced that it has served as the foundation of practically every attempt at communal living ever since – and not only in religious communities. The Rule of St Benedict recognises that people aim at perfection but often fall well short of it, and aims to be a “rule for beginners” in which even the least perfect and least able can grow in spiritual stature. To visit a Benedictine monastery of almost any kind is to find oneself spending time among a group of people who, by their strivings to live and grow together, have become more and more themselves, as God intended them, instead of being crushed into false uniformity by some idealistic and authoritarian regime. For those of us in the world, too, the Rule of St Benedict has much to say: it drags our eyes up to the stars but keeps our feet firmly on the ground; it calls us to perfection but keeps us sane." See the article in the Catholic Encyclopaedia.  Site Reference:

Thank you St. Benedict for helping us here on earth... Paige St. James

Friday, July 1, 2022

Pray for the Elderly


Let us pray for the elderly, that they may become teachers of tenderness so that their experience and wisdom may help young people to look towards the future with hope and responsibility.”Jun 30, 2022 

"Pope Francis has asked the Catholic Church to pray in a special way for the elderly during the month of July."

"The prayer intention follows requests to pray for families in June and for young people in May, and coincides with the celebration of the World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly on July 24."

“We cannot speak about family without talking about the importance of the elderly among us,” Pope Francis said in a video message released June 30.

‘We elderly people often have a special sensitivity for care, for reflection, and affection,” he noted. “We are, or we can become, teachers of tenderness.”

Site Reference: catholic news agency

Meditation & Reflection for HOLY WEEK on the 7 Sorrows of Mother Mary

“Meditation/Reflection on the seven sorrows of Mary” Introduction: Make a sign of the cross...  In The Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spir...