Wednesday, September 29, 2021


St. Michael - The Warrior... (Who is like God)

St. Gabriel - God's Messenger... (Hero - God's Strength)

St Raphael - Healing... (Heal - God has Healed)


All share this day - Our Messengers...



Thank you for being our Superhero Angels... 

Thank you for keeping us all Safe.

Faith Exposed with Cardinal Tagle

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

St. Matthew


Saint Matthew and the Angel
Painting by Rembrandt, 1661 is is Louvre, Paris.

"A winged man inspired Saint Matthew as he wrote the Gospel" 




St. Matthew's Feast Day September 21st.
His symbol is an Angel...


YouTube video shares 
3 things you man not have known about St. Matthew.

Saint Matthew was an Apostle of Jesus Christ... 
He is known for the Gospel of St. Matthew in the 
New Testament of the Holy Bible. 


I've selected a video on YouTube to share with you the story of his conversion - appointment by Christ in a painting. 

I hope you enjoy this...

Video: Caravaggio's Calling of Saint Matthew.


Gospel Reading According to Matthew Ch 9:Vs 9-13.
Sept. 21, 2021 -
Feast Day of St. Matthew Apostle and Evangelist...

"As Jesus passed by, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the customs post. He said to him, “Follow me.” And he got up and followed him. While he was at table in his house, many tax collectors and sinners came and sat with Jesus and his disciples. The Pharisees saw this and said to his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?” He heard this and said, “Those who are well do not need a physician, but the sick do. Go and learn the meaning of the words, I desire mercy, not sacrifice. I did not come to call the righteous but sinners."


Saturday, September 18, 2021

The Flying Saint, Joseph Cupertino


- Saint Joseph Cupertino -
Feast Day September 18th

The Flying Saint... 

A humble Franciscan Priest, ordained in 1625 and born June 17, 1603. 
His father had passed away and left his mother with nothing but creditors. Their home was seized to pay off the debts, and this is why he was born in a simple place, a stable like Christ. 

As an adult and as a child, St. Joseph Cupertino had a difficult life. There were many struggles that I do not need to expound upon. 
For it is the goodness of this man that God found favor, 
not his intelligence or is earthly wealth. 

It is said that this beautiful soul took the upper road of humility with a deep devotion to God.  He was consecrated to Mother Mary and shared his love of her with those he taught. 

It is said that he was slow to learn and even absent minded. He began working at the monastery by tending the stables. 
Later he was accepted and ordained as a Franciscan Priest.
 Many miracles happened for St. Joseph of Cupertino, because of his simpleness and affection for his Maker, God. 

He was canonized a Saint in 1767.

Frustrating, he was but to God he was beautiful!
At a young age he was drawn 
to prayer and into a very deep reverence for God. 

It is possible, because of his struggles that God gifted him 
a mystic with miraculous powers? It is said that he would levitate at Mass.  
Some have even mentioned that the Holy Angels would fly with him. 

His congregation would flock to be with him at Mass... 
He was very pious, humble and a simple man, a very holy Friar he was!

Further Reading and Resources are lined below:

He is the Patron Saint of:
Astronauts, Aviation, Examinations, Mental Handicaps, Students

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Celebrating The Mother of Christ


Mother Mary and Baby Jesus...

Have you ever questioned WHY The Catholic Church 

celebrates Mother Mary's birth on September 8th? 

 I have... and I bet you have too!
Together, let's uncover this mystery.


The University of Dayton, in Dayton, Ohio has an amazing Marian Library. On their website,  there is an article that sheds light on this subject.

I find it to be most informative. They have shared much information regarding the Catholic Church's thought behind Mother Mary and September 8th, as her celebrated birthday. 

"The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary" 

Her nativity is considered to be the "DAWN OF OUR SALVATION"

Per Pope Paul VI in 1972. 

It is believed that the New Year began in Constantinople on the 1st of September. "Beginning" is the chosen word here and her Nativity is a 

"New LIGHT, the Glimmer" a new beginning for us. 

What she brings, is yet to come to us through her 


Her gift is the New LIFE, the New Beginning, the new Light to the world, 

her precious child, Jesus Christ. 

I hope you you visit the site I have posted below and enjoy it as much as I did.

Reference... The University of Dayton Website Link...  

Please visit this article by clicking this blue link here > The Birth of Mother Mary


The Catholic Church has been celebrating The Birth of Mary on 

September 8th since the Sixth Century... 

It all started on December 8th which is nine months prior to September 8th... 


Most children are carried in the womb of their mother 

for nine months before birth, or their Nativity...  

The Catholic Church felt that this was proper 

for the Mother of Christ as well... 


"The Feast of the Immaculate Conception, December 8th centers on the belief that Jesus' mother, the Virgin Mary, was conceived without sin. Pope Pius IX issued an apostolic constitution, known as the Ineffabilis Deus, on December 8, 1854."

Reference: Quote from Time and

A short video about The Blessed Virgin Mary 

Please note that the Visionaries in Medjugorje were told by Mother Mary in an apparition that her actual birthday was August 5th... 
Her birthday is 16BC August 5th.
Visit Mystic Post for more information... 


1. September 8—The Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary
2. September 15—Our Lady of Sorrows
3. October 7—Our Lady of the Rosary
4. November 21—The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

5. December 8—The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
6. December 12—Our Lady of Guadalupe
7. January 1—Mary, the Mother of God
8. March 25—The Annunciation of the Lord
9. Spring  1st Saturday after Corpus Christi—The Immaculate Heart of Mary

10. May 31—The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Elizabeth

11. August 15—Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
12. August 22—Queenship of Mary

Resource shared from Saint Resource                      (

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Angel of the Poor

St. Teresa of Calcutta an Angel of the Poor...

For those who met her say she was a living saint!
Need we say more???

She is a modern day saint that served the poor and loved all... 
Told some that the "USA" was a poor country... for they lacked LOVE. 

Prayer for her Intercession:

"Saint Teresa of Calcutta, you allowed the thirsting love of Jesus on the Cross to become a living flame within you, 
and so became the light of His love to all. 
Obtain from the Heart of Jesus (here make your request). 

Teach me to allow Jesus to penetrate and possess my whole being so completely that my life, too, may radiate His light and love to others. Amen.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, Cause of Our Joy, pray for us.
Saint Teresa of Calcutta, pray for us all who are sinners and who need to learn to lean on Jesus for our daily help.  Amen"

Reference Catholic News Agency and Missionaries of Charity 

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Saint Rose of Viterbo


Video of Saint Rose of Viterbo
Feast Day of September 4th

She was an Earthly Angel of God that had a deep desire to help the poor.  
At a very young age of 10, she became a Secular Franciscan where she preached in the streets about the sufferings of Jesus and about sin. 

St. Rose's family supported the Pope during a revolt in Viterbo. Her family was sent away during this time and were not allowed back until the revolt was over between Viterbo and the Pope. 

After this, St. Rose spent her days praying and doing penances 
in her family home until she died at the young age of 18.  

St Rose is like most of us who have tired to do God's will 
and then found our earthly failures in life... 

She tried to establish a religious community at the age of 15. 
Can you imagine today a child of 15 doing this?  

We are told that she was much like St. Francis of Assisi who found death to be a 
"Gateway to New Life"

St. Rose of Viterbo was canonized in 1457
She is the Patron Saint of those who love flowers: florist and flower growers.

So when you see the beautiful flowers in a garden or flower bed... think of her.

Thought: 💭 
Perhaps St. Rose is a good example that we do not have to become founders of organizations or have a huge noted accomplishments here on earth to find favor with God...

 Spend our time with 
The Holy Trinity

Simple and Holy, is a GREATNESS that most do not accomplish. 
Be at Peace my Children.  

Our Father in Heaven LOVES YOU and HE is waiting for you to 
talk with Him today!

Please check out more 
online resources about 
St. Rose of Viterbo...
Saint of the Day
Franciscan Media

Thursday, September 2, 2021

St. Gregory the Great and Angels


Video about St. Gregory the Great
Thanks to Catholic Online 

Pope and Doctor of the Church 540-604 Feast Day September 3rd

St. Gregory the Great... Born into a wealthy family in Rome, that was very chairable. The family home was turned into a Monastery. In 578 St. Gregory was made a deacon of Rome. While still a Deacon he referred to some pagan boys as Angels... He said "Worthy indeed to be Angels of God." He desired to evangelize these English boys and sent St. Augustine and 40 other monks to England after he became Pope. St Gregory had a great love for the poor. 

"St. Gregory the Great teaches about the Archangels and why they are distinct from angels.  For the Feast of Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael was set for September 29th"

"You should be aware that the word “angel” denotes a function rather than a nature. Those holy spirits of heaven have indeed always been spirits. They can only be called angels when they deliver some message."

St. Gregory died in 604. He is considered to be one of 4 great Latin Doctors of the Church and as we referred to him as St. Gregory the Great. 

Site Reference: and Crossroads Initiative

Meditation & Reflection for HOLY WEEK on the 7 Sorrows of Mother Mary

“Meditation/Reflection on the seven sorrows of Mary” Introduction: Make a sign of the cross...  In The Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spir...